MODNLP-TECCLI: The TEC Conncordance Browser
This is the concordancing tool through which one can access the files indexed by modnlp-idx. You can download the source code for the current beta distribution of modnlp-teccli, or the pre-compiled binaries from the the project's development area at The files ending in bin-tec.tar.gz, bin-ep.tar.gz, contain the executable files prepared for use with ECPC or TEC corpora respectively. The only difference between those files is the file. If you intend to use the software with your own corpora, you can download either binary and modify the property file to suite your own XML format.If you chose the binary version, you can run the concordancer simply by uncompressing the archive and clicking (or double-clicking) on teccli.jar. Alternatively, it can be run by entering
% java -jar teccli.jarat a command line.
In order to compile the source distribution, uncompress the archive
and follow the instructions in the README
The modnlp/teccli architecture supports plugins. Sample implemented plugins include a Corpus Description Browser, a Frequency List Browser etc.There is a separate set of plugins focusing on text visualisation being developed for the Genealogies of Knowledge project. The source code for these plugins is available through a separate project, modnlp-plugins, and include Concordance Tree visualisation and a Mosaic Visualisation (both based on a graph abstraction of concordance lists) as well as a 'Wordle-like' visualisation.